10/13/2016 Pros Elite 100
9/07/2016 EBM Open House September 15th 4-7pm
We would like to invite you to our 2016 Open House!
September 15th 4-7pm
Music, Beer, Wine, Giveaways and Catered Food.
Networking and Customer Appreciation.
9/17/2015 Canon Digital Press
EBM is now an authorized Canon Digital Press provider!
9/09/2013 Five Ways to Save with Document Management
Converting documents from paper to electronic versions using a Document Management system.
8/12/2013 Improve Efficiency with Digital Mailroom
Digitizing and automating your mailroom can eliminate manual processes with the automatic processing of incoming documents, and quickly disseminate and share them throughout an organization.
8/07/2013 How to Prevent Late Payments
Here are some methods you can employ in an effort to prevent late payments.
7/29/2013 Flexible Hours Can Lead to Increased Performance
While this may come as a surprise to most employers, flexible hours can lead to an increase in productivity and revenue.
7/22/2013 3D Printers – Coming Soon to an Office Near You?
Not a week goes by without some media organization publishing a story about 3D printing. And this isn’t just in tech news – Google ‘Buttercup the duck’ to read a feel-good story about how a 3D printer was used to create a new prosthetic replacement foot for this defective duck.
4/08/2013 Patent Trolls
Many are facing an unconscionable shakedown.
3/21/2013 Is Your Data Protected?
From our March 2013 Newsletter.
2/12/2013 Let MPS Lighten Your Load
From our February 2013 Newsletter.
1/29/2013 Record Breaking 2012!
EBM is proud to announce that 2012 was a record breaking year in sales and service! It was our greatest sales year and we had our highest service performance standard with a 3.5 hour response time!
1/15/2013 Benefits of Thermal Printers in Everyday Business
Thermal printing, using heat to produce an image on paper, continues to grown in popularity. Many retail businesses have turned to thermal printers to help them ensure a more efficient point-of-sale (POS) experience for their customers.
10/18/2012 EBM’S Annual Open House Almost Here!
It’s only two and a half weeks away!
7/23/2012 Introducing EBM’s New President!
Richard Schlosser, CEO of Electronic Business Machines, is pleased to announce the addition of Brian Landgren to the company’s executive team as President of Electronic Business Machines.
7/19/2012 EBM’s Annual Open House!
It’s that time of year again and we have a really fun theme! Don’t miss out!
5/03/2012 New From Canon!
With outstanding versatility and performance, the imageRUNNER ADVANCE 4051 model meets the needs of workgroup or enterprise office environments.
1/23/2012 Winter Weather 2012!
Stay safe this winter!
12/23/2011 Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!
The winner of our first Employee Ugly Sweater Contest: Service Manager Dwight Young!
12/02/2011 Canon Top Dealer Award
Electronic Business Machines has been given Canon’s Top Dealer Award based on our success in 2010.
12/01/2011 EBM’s United Way Campaign
Congratulations to EBM and its employees that raised over $2,500 in 2010.
11/16/2011 Congratulations to Sharon Berry!
11/16/2011 2011 Open House
Over 115 people showed up for our 2011 Open House. Thank you for making our Taste of Australia Open House a great success!
9/27/2011 2011 Technology Open House “Taste of Australia”
Join us to celebrate 31 years of business by sampling Australian wines while learning about our latest solutions for your business!
3/02/2011 Canon imageWARE Remote
Your Canon can now communicate with your team at Electronic Business Machines.
12/01/2010 Employment Opportunities
EBM is growing and expanding our field of operations! This means immediate opportunities in sales, service and deliveries.
9/29/2010 Taste of Washington – 5th Annual EBM event
EBM, Electronic Business Machines, is hosting our 5th Annual Open House to celebrate (30) years serving area businesses.
6/21/2010 EBM and your Hard Drive Security
In light of shocking stories in the news recently, Electronic Business Machines wants you to know we are committed to providing the most reliable and effective security solutions for all your business needs. We offer several Hard Drive erase options to help you protect your most sensitive materials from being tampered with or stolen by hackers.
10/03/2009 EBMs 4th Annual Technology Showcase
3/25/2009 Electronic Business Machines Wins Business Excellence Award
Local office equipment company, Electronic Business Machines, was recognized during the South Snohomish County Chamber’s 17th annual Business Excellence Awards luncheon at the Lynnwood Convention Center on March 25.
5/01/2008 EBM receives Canon’s Outstanding Partner Award for 2007
In May of 2008, Electronic Business Machines was presented with a “2007 Outstanding Partner Award” from Ted Nakumura, Executive Vice President for Canon USA, for their outstanding performance in sales and service.
12/01/2007 Dick Schlosser received the Small business Executive of the Year Award
The Small Business Executive of the Year award recognized the executive of a small business whose leadership and initiative gains success for the company and advances the general interests of local business.